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After paper, when to Vivo City with wan xin, melissa, pei yi, lenice ans Si Min!!! The most coincidental is, we met Chua Jia Hui and Thomas Lim at the busstop outside Dawson, taking the same bus as us. They are going to Vivo too!!! Lol, Siao.. XD

Not only that, we met in Vivo on the way for a few times.. 1st, at MaC Donalds, they at there very long, but we stayed quite long too.. Got one mac donald aunty came talking to us suddenly, say about her son, her son study at the same school with us, sec 1, Computer Club somemore! Lol, Sulaiman! Your JUNIOR arhx!!! LOL!

After that, we went to walk around, then we decided to go watch movie.. We walked to GV, and met Jia Hui.. Lol, they also going watch movie.. We went to watch 'Date Night'!!!!! OMG! So nice!! After the movie, we walked out of the theater.. Need to take 3 travelators, So we played along the way lor.. DAMN FREAKING FUNNY!!! We were playing with the travelator, we were sitting on the travelator and took pictures with wan xin's spare phone, my phone send for servicing, so cannot take photo.. -.-

Then we ran up to the upper level, using the travelator going the oppisite direction.. Run until damn tired sia! freaking funny! then we started running up and down, like mad people! Lol! Then got one yellow shirt guy saw us running down the travelators which is going up, he thought the travelator is going down and want to walk, then realised is not sia!!! So damn funny!!! All of us laugh like some mad dog!!

Then went to toilet, then bought Bubble tea.. After, went to giant, walk here walk there, then went to somewhere, then Si Min and Lenice went home first, leaving Wan Xin, Pei Yi, Melissa and me. We went to Challenger, sat at the Information counter there and started talking for a few minutes, then walked out. After that, went to other shops. After thirty minutes or so, Melissa said she needs to go home, her father wants her to go home. Wan Xin didn't want to go home, but then in the end, she still went. When we reached the busstop, 145 came, Wan Xin went and left Melissa, Pei Yi and me to wait for BUS30. We waited for like 20 minutes or so. Went to the opper deck of the bus and started chatting. Melissa went off first, then Pei Yi, then me. Haha, After Pei Yi went, i read one chapter of my book, then started to sleep. Then I realised, HAHA! There's direct bus from Vivo back home!! YES!! Then i just felt happy, messaged Wan Xin and Pei Yi, and called Melissa. Next time I can go Vivo le!! XDXDXD

So, went home, watch YU LE BAI FEN BAI, funny!!! This ep is funny! actually, all eps are funny!!! Haha! Melissa was watching at home too, so we chat a little, and then watch finish, used com. HAHA!!!

OK, finished writing le, BYEBYE!!!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @3:46 AM

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The Kim Hyun Joong Style

As an adult, I rebel for a reason
It's not to be seen strong or cool, but to prove that I am right.
if you have self assurance, you should be able [to] express yourself
no matter what others say.
Even if that belief is wrong, you must understand its flaw.
That is Kim Hyun Joong style.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Slowly walking up in the bright morning sun
Lazy time in bed until it's time to get up.

The sight of the town through the open window
A step away from the hectic life is all you need to do
to have some freedom. It's so natural for me.
This moment when I recognize this. I'm filled with infinite happiness.

